The advantages bespoke website development has for your business

23 November 23

7 min read

Hello everyone đź‘‹ isn't that an aesthetically pleasing date to publish this on?

"Make a website in minutes". "Visual website builder". "Make your own website".

How tempting do they sound?! These website builder platforms sure know how to market themselves... who could resist making your own website in minutes?

Yet there are a few crucial considerations to ponder through before falling to their low-cost, DIY allure - having a bespoke website built for you might prove key to your online presence.

What is a Bespoke Website?

Let's first get a definition, courtesy of everyone's new pal, ChatGPT:

"A bespoke website is a customized, handcrafted, and unique online platform tailored to meet the specific needs, objectives, and brand identity of the owner. Unlike cookie-cutter website builders, which offer pre-designed templates, bespoke websites are built from the ground up by web developers, designers, and content creators who collaborate closely with the client to ensure that every element, from the layout and graphics to the functionality, aligns perfectly with the client's vision."

Thanks for that, machine-I-rarely-say-please-to.

The Benefits of Having a Bespoke Website

With the above definition in mind, I think it's worth laying out a few things that we web developers take pride in offering:

  • Your unique brand represented

    You have a vision in your mind and you should see that vision on the page, precisely how you imagined it. No compromises.

  • Scalability

    This is a big one - as your business grows, your website should grow with it. Having a tailor-made website naturally means it's able to adapt to whatever requirement changes your business decides on.

  • Functionality tailored to you

    However specific your requirements, having your website custom-built will result in a personalised product with exactly your requirements being delivered, and your goals and expectations met.

  • Performance

    We're taught early on to keep a keen eye on anything that causes load time degradation, making sure no new feature addition causes a negative impact on performance, and therefore your users and Google stay happy.

  • Maintenance

    Site improvements will (hopefully) come to your mind straight after V1 is released, and retainers are the perfect way to ensure you have periodic developer time dedicated to your new ideas. Plus, any security issues are seen to as a priority with no fear of the site collapsing.

Obviously I'm biased, but "unique", "tailored", "custom" all sound synonymously juicy to me! Alas I'm aware that is not the only consideration business owners have - let's continue.

Who Are Bespoke Websites For?

Categories of business do or don't fall under the bracket of requiring a bespoke website, and it's important to make sure you fit in the right column.

If you're entering the business world because you feel you offer something different, something new or quirky, you really need your website to reflect that departure from the norm. Otherwise, you'll accidentally choose a popular pre-made template on a popular platform, and now your USP isn't showing through.

Those who require their brand personality to shine through, eg a tech startup or a specialty service, are good examples of those who should opt for a bespoke website. You need to stand out and you need your exact vision to be represented on the page - which really does not come through while using cookie-cutter website builders.

This leads us nicely onto those who should avoid investing in a bespoke website.

Who Are Bespoke Websites Not For?

To be completely unbiased, I have to write this section!

I feel I'd even say "no" if any of these business cases requested a bespoke website, as they simply do not warrant the extra time and cost:

Startups on a tight budget, businesses needing an immediate solution, short-term initiatives, businesses who don't need to invest much in their online presence, or those who are experimenting with business ideas.

Enter: DIY Website Builders

One thing should be made really clear - as a business owner, you can absolutely go and make your own website right now. And if you think it's the right path to take, I encourage you to make it happen.

It'll save you money, you won't need to search for any outside help, you'll be able to set something basic up in a day or two all from your own computer. If that's what you want then no-one can argue that it's a completely viable option.

However... (in Snape's voice)

These companies are cheap in order to appeal to the masses. And so the masses use them. And so those who use these companies become generic.

What seems like a more expensive website today, will seem like chump change (I actually thought the phrase was "chimp change"... thanks Karl Pilkington) down the line once your unique website begins paying for itself due to it standing out among its templated peers.

Think About The Future

I can almost guarantee that when you use a website builder, you will reach a point when you try to implement your latest idea, just how you picture it in your head, and you realise the platform won't allow it. Or, if you hire a developer who secretly uses a website builder in the background (yes this happens), they'll say “umm, no… sorry we can't do that in that way”.

This is seriously unacceptable. Adidas said it best - “Impossible is nothing” - and that is true of websites (to a degree… don't expect a bespoke website to emit the taste of a recipe you're blogging about).

As your business expands, so do your digital needs. By investing now in a bespoke website, you're future-proofing yourself. You have on-demand access to a person or team of specialists, who can and will convert your whimsically wonderful idea into a fully functioning feature. A tailor-made website allows for changing business requirements without the constraints of pre-built templates; it adapts as your goals evolve.

To Sum Up

I'll summarise by summarising to form a summary.

DIY website builders do have their place in the market, but the long-term success of your online presence must be considered due to the limitations they cause.

Investing in a bespoke website is an investment in the future of your business, providing you uniqueness today and flexibility tomorrow.

written by

Testimonial by Sam Kay

Sam Kay

